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You are the Architect of Your Life - Part 2

I received an entry into a multinational pharma company as a Medical Representative. I was also fortunate to receive my home town as my working area. Hence, the hassle of traveling by train was not there. My father gifted me the first motorcycle in the year 2000, so that I can cover my area effectively. I was extremely happy and started working using my motorcycle. Work was a fun then.

I ensured that I achieve my monthly targets and earn incentives. Meeting Doctors regularly, utilizing the product promotion inputs effectively to generate prescriptions from Doctors was my passion. Because of this, many Doctors started recognizing me and became my supporters. Here, I got the learning that sincerity is the only factor to get closer to the customers.

In the Year 2001, I received Ray Ban sunglasses as a token of appreciation for performance from my company. The price of those sunglasses was Rs. 2250/-. Today, it looks like a small amount, but at that time, my salary was Rs. 5000. So you can imagine the kind of satisfaction and pride it must have given me. I have still preserved those sunglasses, which act as a motivating factor for me.

Later, my covering area was changed and again hectic schedule started. I started traveling by train again. But the blessing in disguise was I lost excess weight and became slim once again. Then in the Year 2002 I got married, which gave a new positive dimension to my life.

Coming up in the next part of my story is the major change in my career. Keep watching this space.

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