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You are the Architect of Your Life - Part 3

Then in the Year 2003, my dream came true.

I could get an entry in an Indian Pharma Company as a Product Executive in the Marketing Department. I was quite happy to take up this opportunity. At the same time, it called for sacrifice as the Marketing Guys need to travel for 6-10 days in a month. I discussed it with my family and they also encouraged me by giving a green signal.

This is the department where I learned lot.

Since this organization was among the mid-size companies, Air travel was not allowed. Hence, I used to travel by train to farthest locations like Kolkata from Mumbai, which takes more than 30 hours to reach. I could not stay in Star Hotels as the company could not afford it. The rooms used to be ordinary. Still, I did not lose my enthusiasm. I worked with my field colleagues and covered almost all parts of India.

After this company, I worked in 3 more companies which include Indian as well as multinationals. I grew from Product Executive to Marketing Manager leading a team of 4 people with multilayer reporting. The learning curve continued for all these Years.

Then a point came when I decided to take up another challenge of a change in my career. Watch out this space to know what was that move…!

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